Spring Garden Tips From Greenwise Landscape Designers

Written by Greenwise Team
Published on March 15, 2019
Carolina Allspice blooming

Spring Tips from Our Landscape Designers

It’s starting to feel and smell like spring, at least just a bit. As you probably know, our Chicago winters often stress our gardens, which only gets worse if we are also met with a tough spring. Did you plant new plants last season? If so, you’ll want to keep an eye on them as we head out of a tough winter. As one of our talented landscape designers, Sandro Nandiko, says, “Plants thrive best in the shade of the gardener, and even though you might not have planted the new plants yourself, as a plant owner, you should consider yourself a gardener now.” To help take the pressure off, we’ve gathered some spring garden tips for you. Need extra help with your garden maintenance? Please call us at 847.866.1930.

Here are some useful tips that will help your garden thrive in early spring:

  • Water them generously, especially during a dry spell. By generous, we typically mean 1” weekly, but it depends on your garden’s needs
  • Protect them with mulch (not too much; be careful not to succumb to the volcano effect)
  • Remove evergreen boughs
  • Remove winter mulch on your roses and complete pruning promptly. Remove only dead wood from climbers at this time. Cultivate lightly, working in some compost or other organic matter. (choose a cloudy day, so you don’t burn tender new growth)
  • Frost heaving from repeated freezing and thawing throughout winter might have popped perennials out of the ground. Simply press them back into the ground (want to know more about heaving? http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/gardens-gardening/your-garden/help-for-the-home-gardener/advice-tips-resources/pests-and-problems/environmental/winter-injury/frost-heaving.aspx)
  • Fertilize by the end of March and early April
  • Topdress low spots and finish overseeding thin or bare patches in March and April, mulch at about the same time
  • Cut back winter interest (careful with any new growth that has already emerged)
  • Do not prune boxwoods before mid-April
  • Divide and transplant perennials when they are 3 to 4 inches tall (if they are larger already, cut them back)
  • Aerate soil w/ a fork or hoe in April
  • Be prepared for weeding, get them early!
Need help? Call us at 847.866.1930.